Command |
Description |
awk | Pattern scanning and processing language |
bash | The Bourne again Shell |
cat | Concatenates files and prints onto standard output |
chgrp | Changes the group ownership |
chmod | Changes file access permissions |
chown | Changes file ownership permissions |
cp | Copies files and directories |
cpio | Copies files to and from archives |
csh | C-shell |
cut | Remove sections from each line of input |
date | Prints the current date and timestamp |
dd | Converts and copies files |
dmesg | Display startup messages |
echo | Displays a line of text |
ed | An old text editor |
grep | Regular expression matching program |
gzip | GNU Zip program for compressing files |
kill | Terminates running processes |
ln | Creates links to files and directories |
Command-line mail client | |
mkdir | Creates a directory |
more | Paginates a file |
mount | Maps a file system to a directory |
mv | Moves a file from one location to another |
netstat | Prints network statistics |
ping | Checks for the network reachability of other machines |
ps | Lists currently running processes |
pwd | Displays the current working directory |
rm | Removes files |
rmdir | Removes directories |
sed | Stream editor can be used to edit files |
sh | Bourne Shell |
sleep | Delays for a specific amount of time |
sort | Sorts the lines of input |
su | Change identity of user |
tar | Archiving program |
tcsh | Enhanced C Shell |
touch | Updates the time-stamp on a file or creates one |
umount | Unmount a currently mounted file system |
uname | Prints system information |
vi | A text editor |
Linux terminal commands found in /bin directory