Command |
Description |
at | Queue jobs for later execution |
bc | A bench calculator |
cc | C-compiler. Symbolic link to GNU C Compiler |
clear | Clears the screen |
crontab | Maintains a list of tasks to be performed later |
du | Reports disk usage for a directory |
emacs | An editor |
F77 | Fortran compiler |
file | Prints file type |
find | File searching utility |
finger | Looks up user information |
ftp | File Transfer program |
gcc | GNU C-compiler |
gdb | GNU debugger |
gftp | Graphical FTP Client |
gimp | GNU Image manipulation and painting program |
gmake | Maintains a group of programs |
head | Displays the first few lines of a file |
ispell | Interactive spell checker |
lpr | Spools print jobs |
man | Displays manual pages for commands |
nslookup | Looks up DNS information of a host |
passwd | Changes the password of a user |
telnet | Telnet client allows remote logins |
wall | Sends a message to all the terminals of all users |
wc | Counts words, lines and chars of input text |
which | Displays the full path of commands |
who | Displays the list of users currently logged on |
Linux commands found in /usr/bin