Ruby Cookbook

ISBN: 0596523696 Pages: 873 Publisher: O’Reilly Topic: Ruby Time may be money, but it’s also a piece of one’s life, and a pretty significant piece at that. In some part, this explains the popularity of the Ruby programming language, which

Learning Ruby

Learn the Language that Powers Rails ISBN: 0596529864 Pages: 255 Publisher: O’Reilly Topic: Ruby Michael Fitzgerald has learned to program a lot of languages over the years—BASIC, FORTRAN, C, C++, Java, and JavaScript, among others—but so far, Ruby is his

Fedora Linux

A Complete Guide to Red Hat’s Community Distribution ISBN: 0596526822 Pages: 656 Publisher: O’Reilly Topic: Linux Fedora is a powerful, fast-changing, freely available operating system. It can be used as a productive desktop or server environment. Like other Linux distributions,

Rails Cookbook

Recipes for Rapid Web Development with Ruby ISBN: 0596527314 Pages: 514 Publisher: O’Reilly Topic: Rails With applications that are code-light, feature-full, and built to scale quickly, Rails has revolutionized web development. Not only has it been adopted with impressive speed

The Art of SQL

Strategies for Conquering Bad SQL ISBN: 0596008945 Pages: 367 Publisher: O’Reilly Topic: SQL Can database design be likened to a military campaign? It can, contends author Stephane Faroult in his new book, “The Art of SQL” (O’Reilly), written with Peter