ISBN: 0672321106

Pages: 345

Publisher: Sams

Topic: Forms

Rating: 3 out of 5 – (3 out of 5)

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There appear to be very few books covering Oracle Developer/Forms, which is a pity as there are so many companies still using the technology and of course Oracle Applications are written using Forms as well.

Programming with Oracle Developer covers Oracle Forms, Reports and Graphics, Query Builder and Procedure Builder. The first half of the book gives you an overview and basic usage of each of these areas, such as the user interface and how to use the wizards. There is then a small chapter on using Java with Oracle Developer and how to use SQL with Java procedures.

It’s good to see this book also contains a chapter on how to layout forms and produce good designs as well as how to create menus and put an application together. The book concludes with discussing how to deploy developer forms applications to the web and how to manage your developer code using Oracle Project Builder.

Programming with Oracle Developer is a fairly basic book which is good for beginners who need to learn the basics of the various areas of developer in a hurry, but I think once you have read it you would not look at the book again, if only as a reference. Programming with Oracle Developer is definitely not a book for intermediate and advanced Oracle developers.

Programming with Oracle Developer Book Review