ISBN: 0764549561

Pages: 525

Publisher: Wiley

Topic: Perl

Rating: 4 out of 5 – (4 out of 5)

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Perl Database Programming is for people who know how to program using Perl but now want to take the next step and interrogate a relational database. Three of the most popular databases are discussed in Perl Database Programming including MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle.

Perl Database Programming begins with introducing you to how relational databases work and how to connect to the various databases using Perl. As you would expect with this type of book some of the chapters discuss how to retrieve data from a database and insert, update and delete data. There is a good chapter on Web Database Programming using Perl and it follows an example of creating a web based quiz and the best way to layout your html forms. Session management with tied hashes instructs you how to keep track of users on your website.

Perl Database Programming discusses the use of XML and Web Services by discussing the creation of a SOAP based catalogue which can be queried over the web. There are also chapters on how to produce automatic email reports that contain data from the database.

The final three chapters get you to create 3 applications including a phonebook, a web based shopping cart and a web based photo album. The three chapters bring together everything you have already learnt in the book and put these skills to practical use.

Perl Database Programming finishes with how to set up your system if you are installing Perl and a database onto your computer, the appendices include an SQL, DBI and MySQL command reference.

This is a good book if you want to learn how to interact with a database using Perl, especially if you are using either PostreSQL, MySQL or Oracle. The three programming application examples are well laid out and are full explained, these examples will have you up to speed fast on Perl database programming and allow you to start on your own bespoke applications either on the web or on a local computer.

Perl Database Programming Book Review