Build Robust J2EE Applications in the Oracle Environment

ISBN: 0072255838

Pages: 801

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Topic: Java

Rating: 4 out of 5 – (4 out of 5)

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Oracle Press are well known for their Oracle Handbooks, which always seem to cover everything you need to know about certain Oracle applications and the Jdeveloper Handbook is no exception.

Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook covers how to create web and database applications, including J2EE applications, servlets and JavaServer Pages. Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook also contains a number of hands on practices throughout the book such as deploying a java application, creating a simple JSP page and creating a simple struts application.

Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook states in the introduction that it is not a book which will teach you how to create all type of java applications using the power of JDeveloper 10g, due to the fact that JDeveloper offers an enormous amount of functionality which cannot be printed in any one book, so Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook is just that, a handbook and more of a guide for how to create J2EE applications using JDeveloper.

The first 3 chapters of the Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook take you through the basics of JDeveloper and the IDE and how to move around the application. The book then introduces you to general java language concepts and then naming conventions. Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook also introduces you to J2EE architecture and introduces ADF BC (ADF Business Components) which used to be called BC4J.

The Business Service Technology Alternatives chapter has a great example of how to write an application in JDeveloper that uses the Google search API. The final section of the book teaches you how to create java client applications and how to use the JDeveloper layout manager. The final couple of chapters deal with working with struts and JSP Pages. The Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook also has some good appendices which provide references to the Java Client User Interface Components, an overview of HMTL, JavaScript and CSS as well as an overview of JSP, JSTL and EL tags.

Overall the Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook seems to be a great book for introducing you to using JDeveloper, after reading it and following the hands on examples you will be creating simple applications in no time, although I still think that you need to know how to programme pure java code in order to really know how to create any application you require using JDeveloper.

Oracle JDeveloper 10g Handbook Book Review