How to Improve Error Messages, Help, Forms.

ISBN: 073571410X

Pages: 245

Publisher: New Riders


Rating: 3 out of 5 – (3 out of 5)

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Defensive Design is a book about Contingency Design, which is how to handle errors when they happen on your website. Defensive Design for the Web contains 40 useful guidelines that you should follow when designing a website.

Defensive Design for the Web is a great book that is easy to read and it makes you really think about some aspects of your website that may need updating, such as error messages, log in areas and website search result pages.

The book contains lots of examples using screenshots of existing company websites to demonstrate how some areas of functionality should have been designed and how they have been badly designed.

At the end of Defensive Design for the Web there is a contingency design test so you can tell how well your website handles contingency design.

If you want to know how to improve error messages, help pages, entry forms and other crisis points then Defensive Design for the Web is for you. There are many areas covered in this book including making sure your 404 page is as good as it can be and that your website search brings back the results that customers expect.

Defensive Design for the Web is the kind of book that you would read and then keep as a reference for whenever you need a reminder or are starting to work on a new website. There are real useful design and functionality tips in this book, some you may have not even thought about.

Defensive Design for the Web Book Review