Library Cache Hit Ratio. select sum(pins) Executions, sum(pinhits) “Execution Hits”, ((sum(pinhits) / sum(pins)) * 100) phitrat, sum(reloads) Misses, ((sum(pins) / (sum(pins) + sum(reloads))) * 100) hitrat from v$librarycache;
Numeric For Loops in Oracle
Numeric for loops are one of the workhorses of the PL/SQL programming language. They allow you to iterate through a piece of code an arbitrary number of times. For example, to loop through all the years of this decade: For
Web Site Accessibility Tips and Techniques
Web Site Accessibility Tips and Techniques There is a lot of talk about making websites accessible to people with varying disabilities, this page should help you design your website to better cater for everyone who visits it. Accessibility Tips and
Windows Oracle Service not starting?
Windows Oracle Service not starting? If when using Oracle on the Windows platform, you get the following error message when trying to login: ORA-12514: TNS:Listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor Your tns listener is probably
Network Windows XP to Windows Vista
Networking Windows XP to Windows Vista I have more than one PC in my office and house and after newly installing Windows Vista Home Premium I could not get my XP machine to see my Vista machine on my network
Oracle 11g New Features
It hardly seems five minutes since Oracle 10g was released and we were discussing the new features of that, but now we have Oracle 11g Database. Below are the main new features of Oracle Database 11g. Oracle Real Application Testing
Deleted Oracle Datafile by mistake?
Deleted Oracle DataFile? Database Not Starting? The other day whilst doing a backup of my Windows PC running Oracle 10G, I noticed a large datafile which was too big for the External Hard Drive (as it was greater than 4GB