If you want to find out in a readable format the directories beneath you on Unix/Linux then just run this command: du -sh */ Now you can get a total of the file sizes in a certain directory.
How to Solve IP address conflict on Unix or Windows
If you have an IP address conflict on your network system and you want to find out what hardware is taking that IP address you can use the command “nslookup”. nslookup is a useful command used in Windows and in
Delete files older than 30 days in Linux
Delete Files Older Than 30 Days This command will delete all files older than 30 days in system /opt/backup directory. find /opt/backup -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \; If you want to just perform the action in
Excel Countif in Oracle SQL
Working with data in Excel can be a pain, and sometimes I have to get out of Oracle and use Excel to do certain calculations. I used to use COUNTIF in Excel a lot to sum large columns of data
Shotcut stuck rendering at certain percentage
I had a video which previously rendered OK mid way through completion. I made some changes then went to render. But everytime it got stuck at 14%. I even tried it on a different PC, still got stuck. So I
Exclude certain folders from a Zip command
If you need to exclude certain folders or subdirectories from a ZIP command on Linux / Unix then use this command: zip zip_path/my_zip_file.zip -FSr zip_this_dir/ -x exclude_this_directory_from_the_zip\*
Find Sizes of Linux Directories including Subdirectories
If you want to know the total size of your folders / directories and subdirectories under this path on Linux/Unix use this code: du -h your_dir_path -d 1